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Failed repair cost

Nico Desmedt
on 12/6/20, 3:47 PM 2,793 views
Do I have to pay for a failed repair of my printhead?

Sofie Demeyer
On 12/6/20, 4:00 PM

There is indeed a cost for a failed repair and we realize this might surprise you.
It is covering partially the labour and used cleaning products.
And on the other hand, though you won't be able to re-install the head in your printer, you will have some printhead spare parts that you might use again, like the heating strip, jetpack board, ...

The exact cost of a failed repair can be found in the shop. 
Search for your specific printhead and consult the Related Products at the bottom of the product page.

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Asked: 12/6/20, 3:47 PM
Seen: 2793 times
Last updated: 12/6/20, 8:46 PM