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Printhead installation

Nico Desmedt
on 12/5/20, 4:34 PM 5,982 views
Should I consider any specific guidelines on re-installing my recovered head into my printer?

Sofie Demeyer
On 12/6/20, 2:55 PM

Installing a recovered head is exactly the same as installing a new printhead in your printer.  We therefore advise you to follow the machine manufacturer's instructions on how to install a printhead.

The only difference is that the recovered head will be returned to you, filled with flush (UV or Solvent Flush, depending on the type of printhead), but this doesn't change anything for the installation.

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Asked: 12/5/20, 4:34 PM
Seen: 5982 times
Last updated: 12/6/20, 3:48 PM