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Succesful recovery

Nico Desmedt
on 12/5/20, 4:32 PM 3,211 views
When is the repair result considered as succesful?

Sofie Demeyer
On 12/6/20, 3:17 PM

There are two types of a Succesful recovery.  After having completed the cleaning cycles : 

  1. The final tests (waterfall and nozzle test) are perfect : no missing nozzles, no missfires, no stress, no bad flow

  2. A printhead with poor initial tests is showing 2 remaining missing nozzles or 2 remaining missfires.

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Asked: 12/5/20, 4:32 PM
Seen: 3211 times
Last updated: 12/6/20, 3:48 PM